to support the co-design and co-delivery of medical research

Some tools are new, made for this resource. We also link to some existing tools.
We haven’t included everything and we aim to add local examples in the future.

better meetings
tips and editable templates to improve meetings (learn more)

words to actions
practical suggestions to put the key principles into action (download PDF)

check in and evaluate
questions and actions to check in throughout the process and evaluate the process
(download PDF)

talk about roles (editable)
an example of identifying and discussing roles for people with lived experience
(download PowerPoint).

key principles
a summary of the key principles in poster format you can print (download PDF)

six core ingredients for respectful engagement
access tips, videos and tools by NSW Health (learn more)

what is co-design?
a detailed explainer by KA McKercher (visit webpage)

checklist for consumers, carers and communities
decide if you want to be involved and how (download checklist [PDF] or visit before
you begin your research)

checklist for researchers and health workers
assess the fit of co-design for your research project and explore your resources,
intentions and constraints (download the checklist [PDF] or visit before you begin
your research)

words to actions
five practical suggestions to put the key principles into action before you begin your
research (download PDF)

other tools (not by us)
NSW Health respectful engagement tools:

Young and Resilient Research Centre 1-pager: How can young people be involved in
the research cycle as co-researchers? [PDF]

words to actions
five practical suggestions to put the key principles into action when deciding what to
research (download PDF)

talk about roles (editable)
an example of identifying roles for people with lived experience and tips for planning
for success (download PowerPoint)

other tools (not by us)
Health Translation SA: embedding community and consumer engagement in grant
applications [PDF]

NSW Health: use power in partnership [website and video]

words to actions
five practical suggestions to put the key principles into action when deciding how to research (download PDF)

talk about roles (editable)
an example of identifying and discussing roles for people with lived experience
(download PowerPoint)

other tools (not by us)
NSW Health & Beyond Sticky Notes: engagement and design method cards [PDF]
each method is easily searched online for instructions and examples

Young and Resilient Research Centre 1-pager: How can young people be involved in
the research cycle as co-researchers? [PDF]

8 Aboriginal Ways of Learning [website]

Tomitsch, M., et al.: Design. Think. Make. Break. Repeat. [toolkit and templates]

Emma Blomkamp: shades of co-design [blog]

Auckland Co-design Lab: framing and enabling participation guide [PDF]

NSW Health respectful engagement tools:

words to actions
five practical suggestions to put the key principles into action when deciding how to research (download PDF)

check in
questions and actions to check how it’s going and what could change (download

other tools (not by us)
NSW Health & Beyond Sticky Notes: engagement and design method cards [PDF]

Hemming, L., Pratt, D., Bhatti, P., Shaw, J., & Haddock, G.: Involving an individual with lived‐experience in a co‐analysis of qualitative data

Auckland Co-design Lab: framing and enabling participation guide [PDF]

Tomitsch, M., et al.: Design. Think. Make. Break. Repeat. [toolkit and templates]

Emma Blomkamp: shades of co-design [blog]

NSW Health respectful engagement tools:

evaluate how it went
questions and actions to evaluate the process from the perspective of the people
involved (download PDF)

words to actions
six practical suggestions to put the key principles into action when doing research
(download PDF)

other tools (not by us)
National Health and Medical Research Council: self-assessment of consumer and
community involvement in research [PDF]

Australian Clinical Trials Alliance: writing in plain language [blog]

Australian Clinical Trials Alliance: plain language summary [word template]

There are free tools available to support accessible writing, for example: